New Mommies Do yourself a favor and take a load off!!!!
First time mommies to be please read:
When one has a natural birth the first things the midwife will tell you is to lay down the first 2 weeks. Letting your body heal is the most important thing after childbirth. You need to be your best for that new baby, or other children. It is so important to take that very short time to do so. Having help from family, or a post natal Doula can aid you in this. Having your partner take 2 weeks off is also great because you will feel more comfortable that the other child, and or household will still be ran somewhat to your liking. Although I am a firm believer that birthing a child is a women's natural purpose, I also say that birthing a baby changes your body forever. It will never be the same. Your hips have spread, your internal organs have supported to lives instead of one for 9 months. And the space the size of a lemon was the size of a watermelon. That is a big change, your body is absolutely magic in my book... And it is the only one that you got, so take a moment to praise it.
I have to say after my first I did not let myself heal, I was literally going to the natural food co op a few days later filling and carrying my water bottles... ;( Bad! And I honestly did not know any better!!!! After my 2nd I had my husband take 2 weeks off and I literally did not leave the bed but to shower, shit and shave for 2 whole weeks... I laid in bed and nursed and cuddled my new baby... When those 2 weeks were up I literally didn't even feel like I had birthed a 9 lb baby naturally.. I felt like a million bucks.... For me being a type A personality lying in bed for 2 weeks was a chore but well worth it.. I also know that many have more than one child and tending to the others child's needs is a priority as well. For me personally I had my husband to help and I would invite my 2.5 year old Bryten to lay with us, I would read her books in the bed and have tons of cuddies as we call them in our house. I honestly feel that Bryten had a really fun time being doted over by her daddy and the family while I got to take the time to heal properly. Hope new mommies to be take into consideration what your amazing body just did or will do!!!
Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. ~Jim Rohn
Here is why taking a load off is important:
In certain cultures, women are not allowed to leave their home until a month after delivery. Some are not even allowed to lift anything heavier than a frying pan. The woman's main priority during the weeks after childbirth should be to take care of herself and her new baby. Mothers who lay down 2 weeks post natal tend to recover and wiz through these post natal set backs.
If you have been active and notice a heavier flow of lochia, it’s a signal to slow down or rest. So try not to lift anything heavier than your baby.
• the perineal area is swollen and the opening where urine comes out, the urethra, swells shut.
• the anesthesia puts the nerves asleep and the muscles do not relax and allow urine to flow.
• the bladder is so full it can’t contract to squeeze out the urine.
Hemorrhoids can be caused by pressure from your baby’s head or your pushing during the final stage of labor. It’s easy to confuse pain from your stitches for pain from hemorrhoids. Regardless if you are laying down you are putting less pressure on that area and that will help it heal faster, or lessen likelihood of flare ups!
Please take this time. I promise you will not get time like this again to yourself for years to come. Carve it out now. You have just created a perfect little being, and even though it might be hard to, except the food, the help, the friend that comes to let you take a shower... Take all the love you are receiving from the universe you so deserve it. You deserve to feel like the goddess you are. The helping hands will fade, so maximize on all the help you can get to focus your energy on your beautiful body healing and that sweet new baby!
“Imagine what might happen if women emerged from their labor beds with a renewed sense of the strength and power of their bodies, and of their capacity for ecstasy through giving birth” — Dr. Christiane Northrup
Please message me with any questions...
Earthy Birthings
When one has a natural birth the first things the midwife will tell you is to lay down the first 2 weeks. Letting your body heal is the most important thing after childbirth. You need to be your best for that new baby, or other children. It is so important to take that very short time to do so. Having help from family, or a post natal Doula can aid you in this. Having your partner take 2 weeks off is also great because you will feel more comfortable that the other child, and or household will still be ran somewhat to your liking. Although I am a firm believer that birthing a child is a women's natural purpose, I also say that birthing a baby changes your body forever. It will never be the same. Your hips have spread, your internal organs have supported to lives instead of one for 9 months. And the space the size of a lemon was the size of a watermelon. That is a big change, your body is absolutely magic in my book... And it is the only one that you got, so take a moment to praise it.
I have to say after my first I did not let myself heal, I was literally going to the natural food co op a few days later filling and carrying my water bottles... ;( Bad! And I honestly did not know any better!!!! After my 2nd I had my husband take 2 weeks off and I literally did not leave the bed but to shower, shit and shave for 2 whole weeks... I laid in bed and nursed and cuddled my new baby... When those 2 weeks were up I literally didn't even feel like I had birthed a 9 lb baby naturally.. I felt like a million bucks.... For me being a type A personality lying in bed for 2 weeks was a chore but well worth it.. I also know that many have more than one child and tending to the others child's needs is a priority as well. For me personally I had my husband to help and I would invite my 2.5 year old Bryten to lay with us, I would read her books in the bed and have tons of cuddies as we call them in our house. I honestly feel that Bryten had a really fun time being doted over by her daddy and the family while I got to take the time to heal properly. Hope new mommies to be take into consideration what your amazing body just did or will do!!!
Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. ~Jim Rohn
Here is why taking a load off is important:
In certain cultures, women are not allowed to leave their home until a month after delivery. Some are not even allowed to lift anything heavier than a frying pan. The woman's main priority during the weeks after childbirth should be to take care of herself and her new baby. Mothers who lay down 2 weeks post natal tend to recover and wiz through these post natal set backs.
If you have been active and notice a heavier flow of lochia, it’s a signal to slow down or rest. So try not to lift anything heavier than your baby.
Lochia is the lining of the uterus that is shed after giving birth. It is a normal part of the healing process and not a cause for concern. The lochia is made of blood, tissue, and mucous similar to a menstrual period. The bleeding is heaviest right after birth and slowly decreases over the following 3 or 4 days. For the first few days, you may notice heavier bleeding when you stand up after you have been sitting or lying down for a while.Bladder Distention
Bladder distention is the over stretching of the bladder caused by the bladder being full of urine. It happens often in women who have epidural anesthesia and/or episiotomy during childbirth for several reasons:• the perineal area is swollen and the opening where urine comes out, the urethra, swells shut.
• the anesthesia puts the nerves asleep and the muscles do not relax and allow urine to flow.
• the bladder is so full it can’t contract to squeeze out the urine.
Perineal Swelling and Soreness
You will have some swelling and soreness in the perineum due to pressure and stretching in the perineum during birth. However, this area will be more sensitive if you have stitches from an episiotomy or tears. The discomfort from your stitches usually last about 5 or 6 days. If one is laying down the pressure is not as great on the perineal. Which helps with the pain.Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins of the rectum. And it is obcious why laying v.s. sitting down is better ;)...Hemorrhoids can be caused by pressure from your baby’s head or your pushing during the final stage of labor. It’s easy to confuse pain from your stitches for pain from hemorrhoids. Regardless if you are laying down you are putting less pressure on that area and that will help it heal faster, or lessen likelihood of flare ups!
Please take this time. I promise you will not get time like this again to yourself for years to come. Carve it out now. You have just created a perfect little being, and even though it might be hard to, except the food, the help, the friend that comes to let you take a shower... Take all the love you are receiving from the universe you so deserve it. You deserve to feel like the goddess you are. The helping hands will fade, so maximize on all the help you can get to focus your energy on your beautiful body healing and that sweet new baby!
“Imagine what might happen if women emerged from their labor beds with a renewed sense of the strength and power of their bodies, and of their capacity for ecstasy through giving birth” — Dr. Christiane Northrup
Please message me with any questions...
Earthy Birthings
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