"Peri Wash Praises"

Lets be real for a moment gal pals, although the act of birth is simply sublime and the most precious act, there are a few things that one should know before going into the labor war.  So with this wicked game called birth you have a few casualties that may arise.  There is the pre birth  Hemorrhoids, and then there is the bad boy oh boy tears that happen while pushing.  Perineal tear or Episiotomy is an incision made or a natural tear in the tissues between the vaginal and the perineum (anus).  Depending on the tears 1st-3rd degree you have naturally a tad of pain in the crochelle region for sometimes up to several weeks (worst case scenario).  1st degree in real talk is somewhat of a walk in the park, normally not even requiring much of a stitch it heals itself in a couple weeks and that is that, although still requiring sanitary attention and benefiting from herbal peri-wash it is like I said... a walk in the park.  2nd degree tear, ya are getting into a little hotter water.  The tear is larger and requires more stitches and is sore for 2wks to a month.  

These 2nd degree tears also sometimes give you a good right to take those pain meds, and have to be cleaned and monitored.  3rd degree tear, well lets just be honest it is some SHIT!  Like it is a tear going straight to your anus and that my friends is what I call some shit.  Unlike the other 2 I have not personally experienced 3rd degree but I can say that it will take more than a month to heal and will require a ton of monitoring.  

There are the few over the counter remedies that you can buy, and I have to say the the witch hazel remedies and wipes are my second go-to's.  But my heart will always sing the praises of the herbal peri-wash as the first thing gals should try before going into meds, and chemicals.  

What peri wash offers the Perineal area?
Herbal Peri-Wash is made up of a special blend of organic herbs designed to soothe and heal the perineum following birth and to aid in postpartum recovery. It aids in the prevention of infection and hemorrhaging.  Great to do even if you didn't experience tearing. But it is absolutely essential in cases of tears and episiotomies.

Different Peri wash options:
Mixtures of fngreek, goldenseal, skullcap, comfrey, motherwort, calendula, st.johns wort you are pretty much golden if you choose 2-3 of these for a concoction.

Most Doulas will come equipped with the peri wash herbs to give to mother after birth.  I like to make the mixture for my gals when I am encapsulating their placenta and then bring their pills and the peri-wash for use at the hospital within the first 24 hours after birth!

I promise you whatever way you go trying a peri-wash in addition to the remedies provided by the hospital, will make you a happy camper, and it will make your crotchelle region happy too!

Here are a few super-simple remedies for do-it-yourselfers, and if you don't want to fuss with it, I invite you to look at my etsy shop for a good mixture and perhaps purchase from me.  I will supply you with a more intense version and enough wash for at-least a month!
Kit available for the first month of treatment

Simple herbal Peri wash:
All ingredients I am sure you can find at your local co-op in the bulk spice section. 

  • 1 tbsp Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort)
  • 1 tbsp Calendula
  • 1 tbsp Comfrey
  • 1 tbsp Motherwort Leaf
  • 2 cups boiling water
Instructions: Steep the herbs in boiling water for 1 hour. Allow to cool to room temperature. Strain. These herbs will help sooth, heal and prevent infection. Larger batches can be stored in the fridge.  After bathroom use, fill peri bottle cold water squirt on tear.  Then empty bottle and fill 1/2 way with wash and top off with water.  Squirt again in the region, pat dry and you are in business!

Sitz Bath:

  • 1 head of garlic cut in 1/2
  • 2 drops lavender essential oils (optional)
  • ½ cup sea salt or Epsom salts

A sitz bath is a bath that only covers the hips and buttocks.  Fill your bathtub up to your waist only.  Add garlic, and Epsom salt soak for 10-15 minutes daily.

Please consider earthy remedies for your birthing experience, tread lightly on the earth and your beautiful body!


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